Authoritarian government has a monopoly on force. Force enables the death of justice. All consequences only apply those out of favor with the ruling swamp. Any challenge to the narrative is a physical risk to challengers and their loved ones. Unlimited centralized power is man’s most deadly tool: nothing destroys like government.
Typically, a totalitarian state causes people to fear all government. Authoritarian rulers encourage fear and use it to ensure cooperation. Anyone who challenges the official political narrative is destroyed, or “cancelled.”
The central precept of totalitarianism is that the narrative defines reality. Joe Biden was already too old and mentally deteriorated by the 2020 election. They hid him in the basement so only his handlers and Kamala Harris could see how quickly he was declining. The Democrats kept propping Joe up, with drugs and sixteen-hour naps, lies to the public, and sicking the propaganda press on anyone who challenged the narrative.
They tried to cancel honest people like Dean Phillps, RFK, Jr., Nicole Shanahan, Cornel West and Jill Stein. Anyone who wanted to be on the ballot, and potentially siphon votes, was “crazy,” certainly not DEI Woke. They handed Joe Biden primary delegates by fiat. Then they did it again for Kamala Harris, a younger melanin gifted not quite senile Joe Biden puppet surrogate. They even tried to remove President Trump, which forced the Supreme Court to block their lawfare for the first time.
The telling point about so many other falsehoods Democrats, and TDS thugs, put forth is they continue to repeat the narrative long after the debunk. Their unmoored perceptions/spin becomes their reality. Reports that their apocalyptic warnings are not resonating with voters never register or are buried by bureaucratic managers. They all persist in self-defeating behavior. They can’t help themselves. Nobody convinces them that there is reality outside their bubble.
The sheer ferocity of the Democrats’ attacks, and their unquestioned embrace within their crowd, is defining. We know many conservatives who will vote for Trump, despite serious misgivings. It is hard to find a Democrat who will admit that Harris is a deeply flawed candidate fomenting division. Just look back over the headlines of the New York Times, Washington Post, the Associated Press, The Economist, CNN, NPR, The Atlantic, etc. No loyal leftist will admit that their tribe ever crossed any bright red lines of moral depravity.
Greed, selfishness, domineering assholery and persecution of dissenters is routinely excused or buried. The ends always justify the means. Give the government a near monopoly on the use of force, and you end up with World Wars and/or massive prison camps. We are on the brink of both.
A primary challenge throughout human history has been to tame government power. Draft a “Constitution,” to limit federal power and humans will immediately start carving out “emergency” exceptions.
When government is limited and decentralized, freedom, harmony and prosperity thrive. When government is involved in every facet of life, bureaucrats shove themselves into everything…for everyone they condescend to take care of. This mentality is the foundation of “the Nanny State.” The ruling class is always above/able to ignore those laws. When you have a government like the current American behemoth (the biggest government that the world has ever known), people are at each other’s throats: the party in power is above the law, and have an incredibly Machiavellian track record, so why should anyone trust them?
Our US government currently has millions and millions of bureaucrats placing their boots on American necks. There have been zero consequences for all who support THE narrative. They spied on and hunted on millions of potential dissenters over the past four years. Americans revolted against King George III over a 2% tax. Today, over 50% of our earnings, in some states, are syphoned by an Orwellian monster government. No one likes to be on the receiving end of bullying, taxation, or mandates. So, when a massive unconstitutional government is growing exponentially, the main goal is decentralizing power.
Irrational hate appears everywhere. People start to make things up about their opponents. If you have to constantly lie, so be it, if lies garner unconstitutional power.
The only way to bring back sanity is to cut, abolish, and eliminate all unconstitutional powers. The swamp didn’t learn the lessons of 2016: unlikable candidate who have never solved or improved a problem cannot win the trust of the voters by calling their opponent sexist and racist, on loop. We ignored the Bernie Sanders lesson: the primaries are not a democratic process - the winner is selected by a few handlers in the DNC.
We didn’t learn the lesson of the coronation of Hillary Clinton. The ruling class blamed voters. They called them dehumanizing names. They tried to dehumanize all white men.
In August of 2021, thirteen US soldiers died due to Biden/Harris incompetence. Thanks to the Supreme Court’s decision on presidential immunity, there isn’t much the families can do now to hold them accountable. The President of the United States, Joe “Big Guy” Biden and Kamala Harris never said their names. The media never were permitted questions on Afghanistan, the withdrawal, or regrets.
It hasn’t mattered how crazy the Left became. They crucified our main-stream media and three letter intelligence agencies, blaming them for smug/incompetent Hillary’s loss. Now they must all fall into line, lest they are blamed for helping Trump. Four years later, they’ve lost all credibility and are hemorrhaging viewers, public trust, and talent.
The new incompetent Swamp puppet, Kamala Harris doesn’t represent black voters. She represents the white women who can only keep pretending they’re making history with candidates who check off “historic” boxes. The DNC is the party of selective victimization. This is a movement that prioritizes mental anguish of child molesters, rapists and even murderers as long as they support the cult narrative by deciding they’re not really a man. They are not women either, as there is currently no standard political definition of “woman.” Big Brother defines language. Everything, like the narrative, is just a state of mind.
It’s now called bigotry to prosecute any criminals who claim to be trans. It’s bigotry to prosecute melanin-gifted shoplifters. It’s bigotry to insult Senile Joe, Pathetic Puppet Kamala, Hillary or any men in the Obama family. Kamala’s campaign page identifies sixteen identity categories that their administration claims to defend from…Orange men, or whatever. Those sixteen categories represent roughly 75% of the US. The Swamp leftists are not helping those people. The DNC is targeting and blaming the 25% for problems Washington has not even tried to solve.
The DNC has decided never to say one word about biological men playing against biological women in sports. Still, they pretend to care about a woman’s right to choose. A woman’s right to choose an abortion? Which vaccines to take? Outdoor masking? Distancing? Physical safety? Not to be offended as the narrative demands? Is there a right not to play sports against people who have biological advantages, including much more muscle mass, and might kill or maim women they compete against? Honoring a centuries old cultural history that has allowed women to keep their naked bodies private in locker rooms, seems like a basic right.
The American people are no longer a priority. Civil liberties are not Woke. Mentioning individual rights can get you cancelled. The problem for the swamp is that they can’t stop their own collapse. There’s almost nothing left now. Even Jeff Bezos can read the writing on the wall: for the first time in many decades, the Washington Post will not endorse a Democrat for president. Mark Zuckerberg, who may have spent $500 million dollars to elect Biden/Harris, says he regrets some of his decisions and is currently pretending not to censor “misinformation” on Facebook.
All the Democrats had to do was either offer the people something better or step aside and allow the country to grow and expand opportunity for everyone. Everyone I know wants growth and opportunity. Instead, our Swamp continues their messianic crusade to cancel or kill President Trump.
Today, Trump is more popular than ever. He’s built a stronger coalition, he has surrounded himself with world class thinkers, innovators, and leaders. They have a deep, strong bench, and they're relatively young. The rallies and Trump's speeches aren't going away. X and Rumble are not going away. Challenges to Swamp deception and delusion is not going away. When nobody trusts the ruling class narratives and accusations, it is only a matter of time. At some point the will of the voters will reassert the power of reality.