“(The Kamala Joy Campaign) is a vacuous, vapid campaign that they’re running where they are trying at all costs to avoid any discussion of real issues. They don’t want Harris to take any responsibility for the policies that she’s actually been a part of for the last three years.” - Jordan Peterson
Well, Peterson’s assessment of the Harris campaign was not working for Kamala’s handlers. That spin was not going to win independent voters or even turn out the base. By Peterson’s reckoning, Kamala Harris is, functionally, a DEI Biden. So, Harris’s handlers rebranded themselves as “The Joy Campaign.” Kamala, who no longer makes any noise when she laughs at Walz jokes, with no punchline, is the new embodiment of Woke joy. Oh, she’s also the challenger, not the incumbent. Anyone who rejects any part of the new narrative, better be a billionaire who donates generously.
My question was, how can they sell joy to a country who no longer trusts politicians or institutions. Could it be enough to just pitch more joy than the “dark,” “weird,” “orange” President Trump. They had not quite managed to kill, incarcerate or kick Trump off the ballots yet.
At about 9:00 am, on a cloudless summer day with a light breeze, I climbed into a van with the legendary journalist who refuted the “Fine People” hoax, Steve Cortes, and we went to the DNC Convention to find newly minted joy. Edwin, a recent unvetted immigrant from Venezuela, who now has papers and an ID in the sanctuary city of Chicago, agreed to join us. Edwin wanted to ask for the free benefits DNC politicians had promised immigrants, legal and illegal, who enter the United States. He also wanted a job before winter.
During the ride over, Edwin asked if we were in any danger, now or in the future, from either political party. “Highly unlikely,” I replied. “We were not going to break even one tiny law that they could rebranded as a felony. Also, in Chicago, there is so much crime we should not merit attention.”
Edwin smiled when I told him the convention was at the United Center because, well, “Michael Jordan.” Our plan was to ask for entry and request DNC politicians deliver on promises. Immigrants uprooted their lives based on some of those promises. Were they feeling joy yet? Edwin was not yet.
We also wanted to see if mastectomies and hysterectomies were free and available, as promised. Free “gifts” from politicians almost always turn out expensive. Were they trying to sell the joys of free sterilization? I was not alone in wanting to hear that pitch. The other promise they made was “everyone can feel the joy.” So, we were on the hunt to feel joy. I told Edwin, “Let’s find joy and talk to people who have been inspired.”
“Excelente,” Edwin said with a smile.
I’m hanging back in the dark blue shirt. Wonderful people watching extravaganza.
The good news was that, according to the Harris/Joe-Jill Biden/Klan Clinton/Obamas/Plastered Pelosi administration, who ran on the promise that the rich would pay for protection from Orange Hitler and his deplorable thugs, one more term would be enough to fulfill all promises. After all, Weird Deplorable Hitler and his 150 million plus supporters are still, allegedly, a threat. After four more years, the progressive fascists in the DNC should be able to lock all of them up for longer than any human lifespan. They might call it the “war on domestic terror.” It might be another pretense at defending Democracy. We don’t know. DNC handlers are currently pretending not to hear questions and/or respond.
The bad news is that, according to the H/JJB/K/O/PP Administration, everyone except for Klan Clinton and the ambiguously married Obamas, is rich and or should be happy. Anyone not feeling the joy must be afraid of Trump. Kamala’s handlers are willing to spend over 100 trillion dollars to protect our existing political institutions from President Trump and anyone else who challenges the narrative. So, how was the “Show Joy or Else” campaign going? The COVID lockdowns, the insane spending that followed, the War on Carbon (with zero scientific justification) and many other looming apocalypses that nobody tried to prove, have stranded the US voters with very low trust in any politicians. The lie of free money has led to the most inflation since the 1970s and inflation is an unbelievably regressive tax on everyone.
If the rich are anywhere close to “paying their fair share” it is not nearly enough. So, as if to dare everyone not to freak out/show the joy, Kamala just promised a 45% capital gains tax and an unrealized asset appreciation tax(25% annual tax of assets for everyone). This proposal will bankrupt nearly all small businesses in the US, destroy any wealth creation and atomize joy. Only multinational firms with assets overseas would survive for long. Anyone who mentions the consequences of that policy is either a domestic terrorist or an insurrectionist, depending on the details of their dissent. There is no joy in ruinous taxation or censorship. In the past they used to try to do this with insane regulations so that they could avoid calling for higher taxes. This would be the largest tax increase in US history by about 1000%. The result so far? No joy but no headlines. Media is ignoring a progressive war on joy.
According to harder to fake polls, everyone except for billionaires and politicians already feels poorer. They feel it when they know they cannot afford enough food to feed their family or enough gas to get to work. Confidence in the economy is lower than it was during the economic collapse of 2008. Also, our federal debt just passed 35 trillion, not including unfunded future entitlement obligations or federal reserve debt. That was money that improved nobody’s life, as far as I can tell. For those old enough to remember when the federal debt first passed ten trillion dollars, in 2009, and when interest payments on the debt were less than the military budget, there is a dearth of joy or hope for the future. A lot of us fear a US federal and state debt collapse or the loss of reserve currency status for our, once mighty, US dollar.
More than half of the country doesn’t feel safe. There are still thousands of people being investigated and prosecuted for non-violent misdemeanors from the peaceful DC protest on 1/6. Peaceful unarmed American citizen protesters were shot dead, and not by drones. It sure looked like murder to at least 150 million of us. There’s no joy in incarceration for peaceful protest. There’s no joy over murder or assassination. The US federal government has always attracted the lowest elements in humanity: the people who will do anything to win and blame their opponents for forcing almost incidental evil. The US poor and middle class has always been bullied by Machiavellian scum. Is it possible to find joy in the plausible onset of another soulless swamp scum administration? The current swamp scum admin spent nearly four years hunting peaceful Trump supporters. They prosecuted thousands of families into bankruptcy. They drove thousands of people to suicide. They declined to ever address nearly 300,000 US youth fentanyl deaths.
We, as a nation, saw more teens suicides over the past 3.5 years than during any previous two administrations. The same politicians were asking for four more years. It seemed a bleak backdrop for joy, but the authoritarian blob had infinite spending power and all of their flunkies are above the law. We had to find out if an authoritarian scum narrative can fiat create joy.
We all walked along the military fence/wall around the former United Center, turned militarized DNC convention center. The wind whistled through chain links in the fence. Edwin told me it looked, “Exacto como Venezuela.’
He then confirmed that nearly every political rally in Venezuela is militarized just like the Chicago convention, but the security people here seem less angry. Less anger might be a step towards joy. We’d have to keep looking, but it was hard to narrow our search. 95% of the convention attendees seemed like women, and they hustled past us, or held their hands up to block their face from our camera. Their masks were probably in their purses. How could we see joy in their covered faces? As high testosterone men, we have been blamed for everything “unfair.” I just got tested and refused a testosterone vaccine. Perhaps rejecting the vaccine was an anti-science microaggression. In the new Joy campaign are men expendable?
We were walking with Edwin, who had been granted “above the law” status. There were campaign signs everywhere. We found the usual gaslighting: vote shaming, empty promises and the Democrat’s special: Identity politics/ “millionaires-billionaires” class warfare (except for progressive billionaires who donate). DNC leadership gives off the impression that they are all about giving minorities and poor people a chance, but it never played out that way. Candidates were selected first and foremost for their allegiance to the status quo. Was there ever joy in unhesitating conformity?
If (acting president?) Kamala spoke against the wars and Wall Street, she would have suffered the fate that RFK Jr, Nina Turner, Tulsi Gabbard, Elizabeth Warren, Cornel West, Bernie Sanders (who has always voted to fund all wars and seems to have gained a permanent speaking slot) and even Joe Biden (who was just undemocratically ousted) have experienced: their participation in democracy was blocked. Democratic elites would rather pick a pliable old, rich white male to run than a melanin gifted candidate who bucks the party line. Kamala was assessed by the only metric that mattered: compliance. She no longer makes a sound when she laughs. Big Brother might remind us that compliance is joy. He might not. Asking Big Brother questions is dangerous and gives few answers.
Perhaps Kamala has a joy that transcends muted laughter? Regardless, Kamala is a much better compliance candidate than a senile angry Grampa Simpson Biden, who forgets his lines and goes off script from “news” headlines that only about 25% of the country ever believed. Is it even possible to push a new smear hoax without long-term memory? Is that gaslighting or just another vacant stare moment?
Maybe there is a certain Hillary “I will destroy any woman my husband raped” Clintonian glee in attacking Trump and his supporters. Millions of targets are hard to miss. The recent Trump assassination attempt by a brainwashed progressive virgin, who trained on a CIA weapons range and had a lot of…interesting connections, hurt the “domestic terrorists!” smear campaign. Can they succeed with just “weird” and “dark?” My gut says those insults only work on people that already hate President Trump. Does the Harris/Walz campaign believe that the 25% of the country who trust them, and some massive ballot harvesting, will be enough to win? Better be massive and it does not seem like a giddy process.
So, we hoped we could find answers to our questions, and Edwin’s questions, inside the DNC Convention. The polite security guards at the first gate confirmed they had erected a wall to keep out “the uncredentialed.” Credentials were expensive. There was a lengthy, extensive vetting process. Few non-propaganda/actual journalists had been credentialed. Maybe they failed a compliance test. So, for anyone asking real questions, or attempting follow-up questions, the convention seemed off limits. The security people admitted that the DNC invitation, evidently accepted by nearly 30 million illegal unvetted immigrants, to enter the country did not bypass the vetting process at the convention. The security guards pointed us towards the 5th/3rd bank on Jackson Blvd. to get credentialed. Much appreciated.
At the 5th/3rd bank, the Blackhawks were practicing, which made Edwin’s day. So, the Blackhawks/athletic excellence brings joy…but the Blackhawks are not running for president…unless they become far more compliant. Unfortunately, the AC was jacked up and Edwin was getting cold. We figured the credential process would be quick and easy. Edwin was an invited guest.
We were pointed towards a man in a thin theater prop convention jacket behind a counter. He introduced himself and shook all our hands. Steve opened with, “we’re trying to get into the convention. This is Edwin, a migrant from Venezuela. Evidently, we have to get credentials to enter and this is where they sent us for credentials.”
The “credentialing” volunteer explained that there was a thirty-page application and it would take forty-eight hours to approve. Could they make an exception for a melanin gifted immigrant who had been invited or a renowned Journalist like Steve Cortes? “There are no exceptions Hey, I’m just doing my job,” the gentleman told us. Seconds later, two security officers approached us, and escorted us out of the building.
We decided to try one more gate where some other journalists were exiting the center. There Steve asked the security guard if Edwin could “listen to his political allies and receive some of the gifts they promised him.”
An armed Sheriff seemed immediately agitated: “you have to turn off your camera. There are no cameras allowed here.”
“On a public street? We have press credentials.”
“Turn those cameras off right now!”
Then he turned to the security guards and said, “Ignore them. Tell them nothing.”
“So, if we are insignificant enough to be ignored…we can just walk right in?”
“Nobody is getting in without credentials!”
“Not even Edwin? He has come a long way and wants some answers. Can we get credentials at that bank, over there?”
“Not for today,” the security officer replied.
Apart from the Sheriff who ordered us to turn our camera off and yelled at us for filming, everyone was perfectly pleasant, but there were few helpful answers and absolutely no joy. The were no smiles. The few male attendees we saw all looked a lot like Illinois Governor Pritzker. Maybe they took the testosterone vaccine. They all seemed tired, pale and unhappy.
So, that morning at the convention, the new Kamala campaign to shame political opponents for lack of joy seemed a tough sell. The DNC base, who at least recreationally believe most of the hoaxes, might accept Kamala as Joy Spice, but few who have suffered can forget that the federal government hunted us and canceled us instead of helping them. The US includes independents who didn’t disown President Trump loudly enough.
As for Kamala’s pitch to over 350 million voters, how convincing is a joy merchant who can barely answer softball questions, lobbed right to her. It is easy to picture her getting hammered by a glib Trump or a real journalist who is permitted follow-up questions. Could Kamala survive an interview with Steve Cortes and Edwin? Could she maintain convincing joy during a debate? Will voters trust another basement campaign after the last one gave us an almost certainly rigged election and an almost certainly senile president?
We can share real life stories about how the narrative has been putrid bullshit gaslighting vital events: COVID lockdowns, a Ukraine/Russia war the US forced, the middle east wars, democracy (the Joy DNC has not held a legitimate primary vote for a presidential candidate in decades, as they recently admitted in court), insurrections, assassinations, drug deaths, the flagrant lie of a looming climate apocalypse, and/or suicide. The narrative hysteria or cover-up has cost the lives of millions of loved ones and helped nobody. Millions will never forget that reality.
On the joy front. Edwin is optimistic about his future in America. He has friends and family in Chicago, and a lot of hope for the future. Even Chicago is still better than Venezuela, but only if we fight for real hope and progress. Also, we have to find a way to help Edwin stay warm this winter. It is still illegal for Edwin, and nearly 30,000,000 unvetted immigrants, to work and Kamala is not answering questions.
Please compare our day at the DNC Convention with the best political speech I’ve ever heard. We’ll call it the “Of Course Children First Speech:” It seems that RFK is willing to campaign without secret service protection and combat constant lawfare against him and all of his supporters (take a bullet to help American). Trump already took a bullet, and a constant DOJ attempt to imprison him forever, and still remains in the race. Elon Musk is also facing massive lawfare and constant death threats to fight for the first amendment. So, there are three players on one side willing to die for democracy and civil liberty. On the other side is the fake joy of Kamala, who is more than willing to let GOAT patriots die, from assassins or in jail, so that she can advance her poltical career…and absolutely never challenge the status quo on anything. Harris’s conservative zeal to maintain the status quo is her superpower, not her ability to emanate joy.
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Outstanding. Well done, Free Will. Really outstanding.
Excelente, Edwin! Good luck, sir.
Great journalism. Takes me back. Standing firm, but politely, at the gates and counter, asking those questions and making those statements was brilliant.